Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 38 - June 10, 2013

Weight:           238.4 lbs.
Body Fat %:     32.5%
Composition:    77.5 lbs fat / 160.9 lbs. lean body mass
H20 %:            48%  (114.4 lbs )

There was a long internal debate as to whether or not I was going to make it to the gym or not today.  It's Vegas and 105 degrees today.  Did I want to go to the gym and workout?  Did I have it in me?  Well, I needed something to do with the boy during the afternoon, so as intended I went to the gym for the free childcare (included, if not free).  While you're there you might as well workout.  So I hit up the cardio theater.  I watched the end of Angels and Demons while walking on the treadmill.  The ending makes no sense unless you've seen the rest of the movie, which I haven't.  So that wasn't fun, I prefer a good action movie while I'm the cardio theater.

I woke up, jumped on the scale and went to make a smoothie.  I had no bananas, so I had to limit my choices to smoothies that did not require a banana.  I found some over ripe peaches, and decided to make a peachy smoothie.  I cut up the peaches, put them in the blender and realized I didn't have any milk, which is a requirement for all the peachy smoothies.  I grabbed my son still in his pajamas and headed to the grocery store.  I came back and finished my shake, which was not so surprising, peachy.

I've had a taste for pizza going back to earlier last week.  I thought there would be pizza at yesterdays party, but no.  So I had pizza for lunch today with my wife.

Dinner was after a one day break, another BBQ pulled pork sandwich and some microwaved mixed veggies.  Dessert was the remainder of my peach smoothie from breakfast.

1 serving Peach Vacation Smoothie: milk, peaches, yogurt and whey
16 oz water

2 slices of NY-style cheese pizza
32 oz Diet Pepsi

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
mixed veggetables
16 oz water w/ lemon juice
16 oz water

1 serving Peach Vacation Smoothie

we'll see what the scales says tomorrow ...

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