Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 34 - June 6, 2013

Weight:           240 lbs.
Body Fat %:     32.5%
Composition:    78 lbs fat / 162 lbs. lean body mass
H20 %:            48% (115 lbs )

It was 107 degrees today in the dessert. I've been trying my best to stay hydrated.

As usual I took my son to to one of his toddler classes in the morning and then to the gym in the afternoon.  This morning's activity was a snack making class for toddlers.  My son enjoyed the fruits of his labor (no real fruit involved, but 20% real juice).  The project was an ocean themed snack made of instant pudding (w/ blue dye), cookies, fruit snack, teddy grahams and cool whip.  I'm sure it was tasty, but I'll never know.  My son finished about 2/3 of his snack.  I was able to resist temptation and not finish the rest for him.  I wound up just tossing what was left.

Before class, I had the usual, a smoothie for breakfast.  I started the day with a walk to the supermarket, because I missed last night's cardio workout and I wanted to make up for it.  After getting home from snack class, my son was more thirsty than hungry.  So I loaded him up with liquids and put him to bed for his nap.  I followed that up by doing the same for myself.  I had my mid (well, late) morning snack of the remainder of the smoothie from breakfast.  I topped off with water and fell asleep.  I slept through lunch and we both woke up in time to head out to the gym.

My wife brought home some salad from a lunch meeting at work, which was nice.  I didn't have to cut up the lettuce in the fridge that I've been procrastinating about.  So dinner was a nice BBQ Ranch chicken salad (light on the chicken) and another BBQ Pulled Pork sandwich (still delicious.)

Dessert was some fruit I picked up during today's early morning walk to the grocery store. I added a Balance Bar because I had missed a meal earlier.

1 serving Blue Velvet Smoothie: chocolate milk, yogurt, blue berries, whey and flaxseed

Mid-Morning Snack:
1 serving Blue Velvet Smoothie

-  Slept through lunch

Post-workout Meal:
12 oz chocolate milk

BBQ pulled pork sSandwich
BBQ ranch chicken salad: chick peas, tomato, corn and lettuce
16 oz of water w/ lemon juice

Cookie Dough Balance Bar
16 oz water

we'll see what the scale says tomorrow ...

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